Dynamic templates

Create a dynamic template





curl -k -v -F 'data[body]=@<template_path>' -F 'data[name]=<template_name>' \
'https://api.paubox.net/v1/<USERNAME>/dynamic_templates' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token=<API KEY>'
  • Replace <template_path> with the path to the handlebars (.hbs) template file you'd like to upload
  • Replace <template_name> with the name you wish to call your template
  • Replace <USERNAME> with your API endpoint username and <API_KEY> with your API key.

Update a dynamic template





curl -X PATCH -k -v -F 'data[body]=@<template_path>' -F 'data[name]=<template_name>' \
'https://api.paubox.net/v1/<USERNAME>/dynamic_templates/<id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token=<API KEY>'
  • Replace <template_path> with the path to the handlebars (.hbs) template file you'd like to upload
  • Replace <template_name> with the name you wish to call your template
  • Replace <USERNAME> with your API endpoint username and <API_KEY> with your API key.
  • Replace <id> with the id of the template you wish to update

Delete a dynamic template





curl -X DELETE -k --location --request DELETE 'https://api.paubox.net/v1/<USERNAME>/dynamic_templates/<id>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token=<API KEY>'
  • Replace <template_path> with the path to the handlebars (.hbs) template file you'd like to upload
  • Replace <template_name> with the name you wish to call your template
  • Replace <USERNAME> with your API endpoint username and <API_KEY> with your API key.
  • Replace <id> with the id of the template you wish to update

View all your org's dynamic templates





curl -k --location --request GET 'https://api.paubox.net/v1/<USERNAME>/dynamic_templates' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token=<API KEY>'
  • Replace <USERNAME> with your API endpoint username and <API_KEY> with your API key.

View one of your org's dynamic templates





curl -k --location --request GET 'https://api.paubox.net/v1/<USERNAME>/dynamic_templates/<id>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token=<API KEY>'
  • Replace <USERNAME> with your API endpoint username and <API_KEY> with your API key.
  • Replace <id> with your template's ID

Send a dynamically templated message

Sending a dynamically templated email is exactly the same as sending a normal API email, apart from the fact that we're hitting a different endpoint, and we're substituting the values template_name and template_values` for the message content (the content field is omitted from the message field)





curl --location --request POST 'https://api.paubox.net/v1/<API_USERNAME>/templated_messages' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Token token=<FULL API KEY>' \
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"template_name": <template_name>,
"template_values": <template_values>
"message": {
"recipients": [
"headers": {
"subject": "Hello from the Paubox Email API",
"from": "sender@verifieddomain.com"
  • Replace <USERNAME> with your API endpoint username and <API_KEY> with your API key.
  • Replace <template_name> with the name of the template you created in the 'create template' section.
  • Replace <template_values> with the values you'd like to populate in your template, JSON-formatted

Data parameters

<li><strong>data</strong> (object)
<li><strong>template_name</strong> (string) The name of your template. must match EXACTLY.</li>
<li><strong>template_values</strong> (string) The values you want to include in your templated message, in a JSON-formatted string</li>
<li><strong>message</strong> (object)
<li><strong>recipients</strong> (array) An array of recipients as strings. Each recipient can include a name: &quot;J. Smith &lt;jsmith@host.com&gt;&quot;, or not: &quot;jsmith@email.com&quot;. </li>
<li><strong>bcc</strong> (array, optional) An array of BCC recipient addresses. Each recipient can include a name &quot;J. Smith &lt;jsmith@host.com&gt;&quot;, or not: &quot;jsmith@email.com&quot;.</li>
<li><strong>headers</strong> (object)
<li><strong>subject</strong> (string) Message subject.</li>
<li><strong>from</strong> (string) Message &quot;from&quot; address. This must match the verified domain of your API key.</li>
<li><strong>reply-to</strong> (string, optional) reply-to address (if different than &quot;from&quot;). This must match the verified domain of your API key.</li>
<li><strong>List-Unsubscribe</strong> (string, optional) The List-Unsubscribe header provides two methods of unsubscribing users: an email unsubscribe, and a web unsubscribe. One, or both, of these methods may be used. More details <a class="custom-link" href='#list-unsubscribe'>here</a></li>
<li><strong>List-Unsubscribe-Post</strong> (string, optional) Used in conjunction with List-Unsubscribe header. More details <a class="custom-link" href='https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8058'>here</a></li>
<li><strong>allowNonTLS</strong> (boolean, defaults to false, optional) Set to true to allow message delivery over non-TLS connections rather than converting the message into a Secure Portal message when a non-TLS connection is encountered. This is not HIPAA-compliant if the message contains PHI. </li>
<li><strong>forceSecureNotification</strong>(boolean, defaults to false, optional) Set to true to force message delivery through a Paubox Secure Message. The recipient will be emailed a pickup notification with a link to a secure message hosted by Paubox rather than the contents of the message itself.</li>
<li><strong>attachments</strong> (array[object], optional) An array of objects representing file attachments.
<li><strong>fileName</strong> (string) The filename, including the file extension.</li>
<li><strong>contentType</strong> (string) A <a class="custom-link" href="https://www.freeformatter.com/mime-types-list.html">valid MIME type</a> (e.g. &quot;application/pdf&quot;).</li>
<li><strong>content</strong> (string) Base64 encoded contents of the file.</li>

Example JSON request body

"data": {
"template_name": "detailed_test",
"template_values": "{ \"name\": \"Howard\", \"conditional\":\"true\",\"items\":[\"one\",\"two\",\"three\"] }",
"message": {
"recipients": [
"Recipient Name <recipient2@host.com>"
"bcc": ["recipient3@host.com", "Recipient Name <recipient4@host.com>"],
"headers": {
"subject": "sample email",
"from": "sender@authorized_domain.com",
"reply-to": "Sender Name <sender@authorized_domain.com>"
"allowNonTLS": false,
"forceSecureNotification": false,
"attachments": [
"fileName": "hello_world.txt",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"content": "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ"

Attachment content should be Base64 encoded. An attachment contentType value should be a valid MIME type.

Success response

Code: 200 Content:

"sourceTrackingId": "3d38ab13-0af8-4028-bd45-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"data": "Service OK"

The sourceTrackingId can be used with the messages api to track any dynamically templated email (templated mails are sent as normal messages, and are tracked as such)

Error response

Code: 400 Bad Request` Content:

"errors": [
"code": 400,
"title": "Error Title",
"details": "Description of error"